JUST-IN-FlATION Strategy Paying Off

It seems like the “Justinflation” strategy is paying off for the conservatives. Trying to appeal to a broader audience than he did during his leadership race Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has been making the rounds blaming Trudeau for the pain many are feeling.

Poilievre a career politician who also served in Stephen Harper’s cabinet has made pocketbook issues the focus of his most recent ad campaign.

Justin Trudeau is one of the most unpopular Prime Ministers in Canadian history (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/07/24/trudeau-unpopular-approval-rating-by-peoplekind-woke-canada/. His detractors are virulent and numerous.

The Prime Minister has been widely seen as not having a plan for the soaring cost of living and housing crisis. Canadians squeezed at all ends are signaling they need a change in government and if an election was held today Conservatives will be the victor.

The Conservatives are leading the Liberals by about ten points in most pol aggregates with 338 Canada polls predicting they have a 91 percent chance of winning the most seats come election time.

The leader of the third largest national party Jagmeet Singh has also seen his popularity diminish. Singh hitched his wagon on to the unpopular Liberals by propping up the government in the supply and confidence deal.  This has led to many voters seeing him as ineffective and somewhat of a Trudeau puppet. 

The current date for a scheduled election is October 20th, 2025. However, it is a minority government, and an election could be called much earlier not giving Liberals much time for the bets to change.


The Conservatives are leading the Liberals by about ten points in most pol aggregates with 338 Canada polls predicting they have a 91 percent chance of winning the most seats come election time.